We are not an island

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It is difficult for many people to ask for help.  Do you find that to be true? We like to believe that we can handle things on our own, or we possibly perceive that other people think we should be able to handle things on our own.  There are two terms that you may or may not be familiar with: internal locus of control and external locus of control.  While those words sound like complex terminology, they are really very simple.

Internal locus of control:  This personality believes that their circumstances are within their control.  They perceive that they are personally able or responsible to determine the outcome of their situations (Frontiers in Psychology).

External locus of control:  This personality type believes that their circumstances are not in their control but rather of people or situations outside of themselves (Frontiers in Psychology).  Examples of outside sources may be family, friends, co-workers, the government…

Both possibilities may be true to some extent, but regardless, these beliefs are based on perception.  The person’s perception heavily impacts their belief in whether they can accomplish something.  Which locus of control resonates most with you?

Even though it may be for different reasons, both personality types may struggle with asking for help  It is especially difficult for those that see themselves as solely responsible for their choices and outcomes.  It is ok to need help.  In fact, accountability is an important step in habit change.  When someone is helping you to be accountable, you are more likely to see results.  You know that someone will be checking in with you (Dale Carnegie).  Also, sometimes an outside party may have a fresh perspective regarding your situation because they are not feeling the same emotions or perceptions. 

Why is it important to think about our locus of control or tendency toward asking for help?  It is important because understanding our perceptions helps to define our barriers.  When we understand what our barriers are, we can take steps to overcome them.

So, who do you go to for help?  It is no secret that Health and Wellness is a trillion-dollar industry. In fact, the wellness industry globally is 4.5 trillion dollars (Global Wellness Institute).  There are millions of voices that are vying for your attention, so always seek out qualified, proven advice.  Set sustainable goals.  If a plan is unsustainable, it makes sense that you will not have lasting results, right?  Also, surround yourself with support, and avoid advice from those who are negative or do not have your best interest in mind. 

So, how does this apply to you?

  1. Do not be afraid to ask for help.
  2. Believe that you can overcome barriers and help control the outcomes in your life.
  3. Seek help from a reliable source.

We are not an island (thought based on prose by John Donne “No man is an island, entire of itself”).  We need to believe in ourselves and our abilities, but, if possible, at times we also need others to help us be successful.

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